How to Do a Self-Massage


Āyurvedic Self Massage

Ancient texts state that Abhyanga (Āyurvedic Self-Massage) rejuvenates the skin, tones the muscles, eliminates impurities, and promotes youthfulness.

Abhyanga is self-massage done with oil. It is an enjoyable beauty and wellness practice that is done before your shower or bath.

Start by warming your massage oil. Place your bottle of massage oil in a larger container filed with hot water, or simply take a small amount of oil and rub between both palms to warm.

Sit or stand comfortably on a towel that you don’t mind getting oily. Apply the warm oil to your entire body (include your scalp if you are planning to wash your hair).

Massage your entire body, using your palms and the flats of your fingers. Start at the top of your head and work down to your toes (think head to toe). Use back and forth strokes over your limbs, and circular strokes over your joints, head and abdomen.

After your massage, wipe any excess oil off the bottoms of your feet and use care getting into the shower or bath. Us a warm wet cloth or a botanical homemade cleanser to remove excess oil from your body.

Best Oils to Use:

Sesame oil is the traditional oil used in Abhyanga. It is grounding and slightly warming. If you are overheated or its summer time, coconut oil is a wonderful cooling oil. When choosing an oil , make sure it is organic and cold pressed.

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